Success stories: Women 40+


  • 'Yes, we gave up some food, but what we gained is so much more!'
  • "I feel the best I’ve felt for 25 years"
  • Heartburn and asthma disappeared, and so did 143 pounds
  • 'Low carb is easy because you eat good, wholesome, and tasty food!'
  • 'I am blessed to have discovered the keto lifestyle'
  • 'Within one year of going keto, I was prescription-free for the first time in decades!'
  • With 280 pounds lost, Jane feels “better than ever”
  • Eating higher protein “worked like gangbusters”
  • 127 pounds lost — plus a better relationship to food
  • How Terri lost 200 pounds and reversed her type 2 diabetes
  • 'Starting keto is the best decision I ever made for my health'
  • 'I use my keto experience to help my Arabic community'
  • 'Keep carbs low and things will fall into place'
  • 'I don't regard keto as a diet; it's a healthier way of life'
  • 'This way of eating is for life for me'
  • "I'm feeling much better at 50 than 40!"
  • 'Feeling 20 years younger'
  • 'I don't consider keto a diet, it's a way of life!'

All women 40+ success stories

Video stories

    "I sort of wanted to save the world"
  • Living low carb with Yvonne Lane
    "I'll do this or I'm going to die trying"
  • My success story with Gillian Szollos
  • My success story with Katrin Crum
  • Practicing and promoting low carb

All video success stories with women 40+



Share your story

Do you have a success story you want to share on this blog? Send it (photos appreciated) to, and please let us know if it’s OK to publish your photo and name or if you’d rather remain anonymous. It would also be greatly appreciated if you shared what you eat in a typical day, whether you fast etc. More information:

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