“I’m making it my life’s mission to make this stop and to educate other diabetics on this”

Before and after
Together, they’ve now lost 200 lbs (91 kg) – and that’s not even the most important thing. Do you want to know exactly how they did it? Keep reading their fantastic story:
I hope that this message reaches you well, and that my story can be used to help others. I want to share our story, we still have lots of weight to lose but are already so far along. My goal is to be at 180 lbs (82 kg)… and I WILL DO IT!
Where I was – July 2016 – weighed 434 lbs (197 kg), had high blood pressure, using meal time and long acting insulin to manage type two diabetes. HbA1c 9.8, average glucose was 235 mg/dl (13 mmol/l) often times saw it above 300-400 mg/dl (16.7–22.2 mmol/l).
Former meds list:
- Metformin (max dosage)
- Lantus 150 units a day
- Humalog, 1 unit : 3 g carbs plus 10 g, and 1 g for every 5 glucose units above 150 (talk about a math problem)
- Atrovastatin
- Losartan
- Amlodopine
- Prilosec
This typically cost me $300 per month with descent health insurance… My primary care doctor just kept adding to the list instead of trying to find solutions to get rid of it.
I noticed myself following the American Diabetes Diet and gaining weight, and getting worse. I had severe depression (likely caused by medication and diabetes), my vision was blurry, I hurt terribly all the time.
What I did – I google searched for how to manage type 2 diabetes and found Diet Doctor. I decided I would give it a shot. Within a week, my fasting sugars were down below 100 mg/dl (5.6 mmol/l), I was off mealtime insulin. Within 30 days they were getting too low with long acting so I stopped that, and then decided to stop taking Metformin. I was losing weight and people started noticing. I was hurting less, and generally feeling better about life. I ate less than 20 carbs a day every day.
Today – I weighed in this morning at 304 lbs (138 kg) – down 130 pounds (59 kg). My wife is down 70 lbs (32 kg). Together we are 200 lbs (91 kg) lighter! I am off all medication. My body is appreciative! I have used intermittent fasting as well as the diet from one of the membership pages that encourages a regimen of certain foods (2 cups salad, 1 cup veggies a day). I went from a size 50 pants to 36 or 38… I can buy clothes in a normal store for the first time in my adult life. I am still on this journey but it’s now just my normal life… I consider us as fully adapted. I’m in the works of starting a blog called “it’s not a diet” because this can’t just be a “low-carb diet” it has to be a forever lifestyle.I’m going to do my masters thesis on low carb and diabetes. I am realizing the American Diabetes Association, is like the fox guarding the hen house. They are giving people bad information. Telling them to eat 60 g carbs in one sitting!!! Makes sense when they are funded by Big Pharma!!! I’m making it my life’s mission to make this stop and to educate other diabetics on this…
I am hopeful that as I continue this lifestyle with my family that I can find opportunities to speak to others. I have the uniqueness of actually liking to speak to groups! And I need to use this to help the cause.
What you guys do is amazing! Maybe some day my career path can cross into your organization so that I can make my new found passion a career.
Thank you all!
Kind Regards,
Jason and Stephanie
Congratulations on your great success on low carb, Jason and Stephanie!
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How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
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