New collaboration with popular UK keto recipe and app creator



Martinaโ€™s new recipes


Meal plan


Low carb: Mediterranean week with Martina Slajerova

This exclusive meal plan is provided by Martina Slajerova. She is a best-selling cookbook author, known for her low-carb and keto recipes.

The meal plan features Mediterranean-inspired low-carb recipes with fresh ingredients like fish, chard, garlic, herbs, and olive oil.

The recipes are handpicked by Diet Doctorโ€™s recipe team from Martinaโ€™s bestselling cookbooks: The New Mediterranean Cookbook, Simple Keto, and Beginners Keto.

Full meal plan โ†’


Martinaโ€™s books

Click on the pictures if you would like to read more about or buy the books on Amazon.

Diet Doctor receives no payment or other considerations from the sale of Martinasโ€™s cookbooks or the publishing of this post.

Martina Slajerova Book Mediterranean Diet
Martina Slajerova Book Keto Simple
Martina Slajerova The Beginnerโ€™s Keto Diet Cookbook


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