All team columns

Every two weeks we let a member of the Diet Doctor team write a column, exclusively for our members. This is an opportunity for us to introduce ourselves, our work, and our thoughts and personal experiences of low-carb and keto. They will give you, as a member, a chance to get to know us better and to learn more about what’s going on at the Diet Doctor office.

Below, you will find all published columns.

August 2021

Nate Shenkute: You can take control of your health just by making lifestyle changes

May 2021

Ellen Lundquist: The path to better health is different for everyone

March 2021

Erika McKellar: ‘If I inspire just one person, that is enough for me’

Febuary 2021

Shaan Archer: ‘I’m proud to say I work at Diet Doctor’

January 2021

Bret Scher: Introducing our new intermittent fasting course

December 2020

Martin Balodis: Searching for truth at Diet Doctor

Anna Olsson: Finding food freedom — thanks to low carb

November 2020

Anne Mullens: Sharing our special holiday magazine once again with you

Matilda Vejlo: Sharing my Covid-19 experience

October 2020

Camilla Nilsson: ‘I learned there’s more to keto than bacon, butter, and heavy cream’

Axel Olsson: Striving to build a stronger team Diet Doctor

Jonas Colting: Let’s Get Moving: our exercise course

September 2020

Anne Mullens: Telling inspiring stories of doctors using low-carb diets

Jenni Calihan: New bonus material now in Weight Loss for Good

August 2020

Jill Wallentin: Focusing on what’s ‘closest to my heart — and stomach’

Dr Bret Scher: How I became the first low-carb lipidologist

July 2020

Britta Patterson: ‘Being perfectly imperfect, together’ — as a community

Kate Nordin: ‘I saw rapid and life-changing results’

June 2020

Anna Hecht: Diet Doctor made my intro to low carb simple

Kristie Sullivan: All in a day’s work: Diet Doctor Explores

May 2020

Amanda Åkesson: How Let’s Get Moving helped me get off my couch

Stas Shakirov: Building an Android app for you

April 2020

Franziska Spritzler: Evidence-basing our guides: providing trustworthy low-carb information

Kristie Sullivan: Low-carb and keto friends

Matilda Vejlo: My 7-day fast

March 2020

Anne Mullens: Reflecting from self-isolation

Bret Scher: Help spread the word: new Diet Doctor course for clinicians

February 2020

Bjarte Bakke: Making our recipe app awesome for iPhone and — coming soon — Android

Giorgos Chloros: Another week at the office: Let’s Get Moving BTS

January 2020

Jill Wallentin: We have something in common

Jonas Colting: Let’s Get Moving: our new exercise course

Jenni Calihan: Finding the concept for Weight Loss for Good

December 2019

Kristie Sullivan: 2020: A year of dieting deliciously

Karl Naïm: Launching Diet Doctor annual membership

November 2019

Anne Mullens: Creating our holiday e-magazine

Alejandro González: One week at the Diet Doctor’s office

October 2019

Dr. María Eugenia Lima: The challenge of a new beginning

Franziska Spritzler: Making lifestyle changes and achieving goals: what’s your tendency?

Adele Hite: A dream comes true – and you helped!

Kristie Sullivan: Too good to keep it to yourself

September 2019

Jenni Calihan: When ‘cheato’ becomes keto

Anne Mullens: Zucchini bounty — and some tips for their versatile use

Fredo Landaveri: Sailing through the waves of emotional hunger

Bret Scher: I have a confession. I am not crazy!

August 2019

Andreas Eenfeldt: How to be less wrong, and building a team that questions everything

Paul Rutkovskis: The wishes that low carb didn’t fulfill

Kim Gajraj: Do you eat low carb, or does low carb eat you?

Adele Hite: Asking difficult questions

Matilda Vejlo: Being part of something big

July 2019

Maria Colell: Find your motivation, and then ignore it

Bjarte Bakke: How I eat now

Anne Mullens: What kind of dog are you?

Jenni Calihan: Writing guides that matter

June 2019

Franziska Spritzler: What is the “ideal” low-carb diet?

Amanda Åkesson: Contemplations on a ketogenic, meat-based diet and mental health

Oskar Boethius Lissheim: The path

Magdalena Taubert: The past, the present, and the future

May 2019

Maria Karlsson: I went on a job-interview date

Jenni Calihan: Eating butter in polite company

Anne Mullens: A grateful text reverberates our purpose

Kristie Sullivan: What do you want to do when you grow up?

Harianas Dewang: Nowhere near the finish line

April 2019

Rickard Lindroth: Habits

Annika Rane: Behind the scenes of LCHF2019

Henrik Thorsell: New on the job and low(er) on the carb

Kristin Parker: Member support specialist here to help you make the most of your membership!

March 2019

Dr. María Eugenia Lima: Catching a dream

Alejandro González: Bringing keto to more and more people

Johan Eenfeldt: Leaping into the unknown

Inger L. Swanberg: Low carb has given me freedom and a new purpose

Jill Wallentin: I skipped the carbs but got a new life in return

February 2019

Anne Mullens: Pay it forward so others benefit

Kristie Sullivan: Will there be food you can eat?

Jenni Calihan: Mistakes were made…

Mattias Lindberg: A trip trying different diets

January 2019

Fredo Landaveri: Empathizing my way to health

Kristin Parker: Keto – practical and sustainable

Kim Gajraj: Goodbye guilt: What I learned from my carb-filled Christmas

Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt: Quitting and starting a new life

December 2018

Paul Rutkovskis: You’re making a positive change in the world

Franziska Spritzler, RD: Greetings from a dietitian who loves low-carb living

Kristie Sullivan: Holiday gatherings: What will you serve?

Adele Hite: The fairytale of Stockholm

November 2018

Emőke Csoma: Low-carb inspiration without boundaries

Dr. Bret Scher: Welcome to the Diet Doctor family

Kristin Berglund: Can you smell the holidays yet?

Bjarte Bakke: How low carb found me on a bus in Botswana

Anne Mullens: The quintessential Swedish experience

October 2018

Kristie Sullivan: The beginning of the end of good intentions

Jenni Calihan: Welcome to Diet Doctor’s inner circle

Kim Gajraj: What we’re up to at the office