All team columns
Every two weeks we let a member of the Diet Doctor team write a column, exclusively for our members. This is an opportunity for us to introduce ourselves, our work, and our thoughts and personal experiences of low-carb and keto. They will give you, as a member, a chance to get to know us better and to learn more about what’s going on at the Diet Doctor office.Below, you will find all published columns.
August 2021
Nate Shenkute: You can take control of your health just by making lifestyle changes
May 2021
Ellen Lundquist: The path to better health is different for everyone
March 2021
Erika McKellar: ‘If I inspire just one person, that is enough for me’
Febuary 2021
Shaan Archer: ‘I’m proud to say I work at Diet Doctor’
January 2021
Bret Scher: Introducing our new intermittent fasting course
December 2020
Martin Balodis: Searching for truth at Diet Doctor
Anna Olsson: Finding food freedom — thanks to low carb
November 2020
Anne Mullens: Sharing our special holiday magazine once again with you
Matilda Vejlo: Sharing my Covid-19 experience
October 2020
Camilla Nilsson: ‘I learned there’s more to keto than bacon, butter, and heavy cream’
Axel Olsson: Striving to build a stronger team Diet Doctor
Jonas Colting: Let’s Get Moving: our exercise course
September 2020
Anne Mullens: Telling inspiring stories of doctors using low-carb diets
Jenni Calihan: New bonus material now in Weight Loss for Good
August 2020
Jill Wallentin: Focusing on what’s ‘closest to my heart — and stomach’
Dr Bret Scher: How I became the first low-carb lipidologist
July 2020
Britta Patterson: ‘Being perfectly imperfect, together’ — as a community
Kate Nordin: ‘I saw rapid and life-changing results’
June 2020
Anna Hecht: Diet Doctor made my intro to low carb simple
Kristie Sullivan: All in a day’s work: Diet Doctor Explores
May 2020
Amanda Åkesson: How Let’s Get Moving helped me get off my couch
Stas Shakirov: Building an Android app for you
April 2020
Franziska Spritzler: Evidence-basing our guides: providing trustworthy low-carb information
Kristie Sullivan: Low-carb and keto friends
March 2020
Anne Mullens: Reflecting from self-isolation
Bret Scher: Help spread the word: new Diet Doctor course for clinicians
February 2020
Bjarte Bakke: Making our recipe app awesome for iPhone and — coming soon — Android
Giorgos Chloros: Another week at the office: Let’s Get Moving BTS
January 2020
Jill Wallentin: We have something in common
Jonas Colting: Let’s Get Moving: our new exercise course
Jenni Calihan: Finding the concept for Weight Loss for Good
December 2019
Kristie Sullivan: 2020: A year of dieting deliciously
Karl Naïm: Launching Diet Doctor annual membership
November 2019
Anne Mullens: Creating our holiday e-magazine
Alejandro González: One week at the Diet Doctor’s office
October 2019
Dr. María Eugenia Lima: The challenge of a new beginning
Franziska Spritzler: Making lifestyle changes and achieving goals: what’s your tendency?
Adele Hite: A dream comes true – and you helped!
Kristie Sullivan: Too good to keep it to yourself
September 2019
Jenni Calihan: When ‘cheato’ becomes keto
Anne Mullens: Zucchini bounty — and some tips for their versatile use
Fredo Landaveri: Sailing through the waves of emotional hunger
Bret Scher: I have a confession. I am not crazy!
August 2019
Andreas Eenfeldt: How to be less wrong, and building a team that questions everything
Paul Rutkovskis: The wishes that low carb didn’t fulfill
Kim Gajraj: Do you eat low carb, or does low carb eat you?
Adele Hite: Asking difficult questions
Matilda Vejlo: Being part of something big
July 2019
Maria Colell: Find your motivation, and then ignore it
Anne Mullens: What kind of dog are you?
Jenni Calihan: Writing guides that matter
June 2019
Franziska Spritzler: What is the “ideal” low-carb diet?
Amanda Åkesson: Contemplations on a ketogenic, meat-based diet and mental health
Oskar Boethius Lissheim: The path
Magdalena Taubert: The past, the present, and the future
May 2019
Maria Karlsson: I went on a job-interview date
Jenni Calihan: Eating butter in polite company
Anne Mullens: A grateful text reverberates our purpose
Kristie Sullivan: What do you want to do when you grow up?
Harianas Dewang: Nowhere near the finish line
April 2019
Annika Rane: Behind the scenes of LCHF2019
Henrik Thorsell: New on the job and low(er) on the carb
Kristin Parker: Member support specialist here to help you make the most of your membership!
March 2019
Dr. María Eugenia Lima: Catching a dream
Alejandro González: Bringing keto to more and more people
Johan Eenfeldt: Leaping into the unknown
Inger L. Swanberg: Low carb has given me freedom and a new purpose
Jill Wallentin: I skipped the carbs but got a new life in return
February 2019
Anne Mullens: Pay it forward so others benefit
Kristie Sullivan: Will there be food you can eat?
Jenni Calihan: Mistakes were made…
Mattias Lindberg: A trip trying different diets
January 2019
Fredo Landaveri: Empathizing my way to health
Kristin Parker: Keto – practical and sustainable
Kim Gajraj: Goodbye guilt: What I learned from my carb-filled Christmas
Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt: Quitting and starting a new life
December 2018
Paul Rutkovskis: You’re making a positive change in the world
Franziska Spritzler, RD: Greetings from a dietitian who loves low-carb living
Kristie Sullivan: Holiday gatherings: What will you serve?
Adele Hite: The fairytale of Stockholm
November 2018
Emőke Csoma: Low-carb inspiration without boundaries
Dr. Bret Scher: Welcome to the Diet Doctor family
Kristin Berglund: Can you smell the holidays yet?
Bjarte Bakke: How low carb found me on a bus in Botswana
Anne Mullens: The quintessential Swedish experience
October 2018
Kristie Sullivan: The beginning of the end of good intentions