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Around the world a billion people with obesity, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance could benefit from low carb, it could change their lives.

But itโ€™s not simple yet, itโ€™s still hard. So how can we make low carb simple for a billion people?

Table of contents

  1:31  The obesity epidemic
  3:57  An even worse epidemic of type 2 diabetes
  4:58  The mistake behind the obesity epidemic
16:51  The surprising difficulty fixing it
26:31  A possible solution
31:38  The story of Diet Doctor


About the video

Recorded at the Low Carb USA conference in San Diego, California, August 2017. Published in October 2017.
Cameras: Giorgos Chloros, Simon Victor, Andreas Eenfeldt, Mattias Lindberg and Jill Wallentin
Sound: Simon Victor
Light: Giorgos Chloros
Editing: Jonatan Victor

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