“I have not felt this good in 20 years”

Saila and her husband

Saila and her husband felt desperate to get control of their worsening health and weight issues. As nothing they tried had worked so far, they felt they had nothing to lose and decided to start an LCHF diet.

After just 5 weeks, their lives are now transformed:

The E-mail

Husband and I are in the very beginning of our LCHF journey. We have been in solid nutritional ketosis about 3 weeks now and started LCHF maybe 5 weeks ago.

About 5 weeks ago husband had some lab test done (liver and glucose) to see if he can start yet another medication to control his schizophrenia symptoms. The tests come out with elevated liver readings and after ultrasound the diagnosis of fatty liver. His blood sugar was 400 mg/dl (22 mmol/l)!

We had no idea. We got a doctor’s appointment 4 weeks after the test (last Monday) and I started a frantic research of what to do. As we were both morbidly obese, getting closer to the 300 lbs (136 kg) mark, we desperately wanted to lose weight too.

I found this website, Jason Fung’s book and since we really did have nothing to lose since anything we had tried before has been in vain.

First thing we did was get us a blood glucose meter and started measuring after we wake up and after meals. I found out that I was well on my way of becoming type 2 diabetic.

Where are we today?

Both our blood sugar has normalized in just 5 weeks. Mine is high 70s (3.8 mmol/L) to low 90s (5 mmol/L). Hubby’s is solid under 100 (5.6 mmol/L) and going steadily towards low 90s (5 mmol/L) to high 80s (4.4 mmol/L). We have both lost over 20 lbs (9 kg) and have a decrease in depression and major increase on energy levels. My husband’s schizophrenia symptoms are also decreasing and he is more alert and has a lot less bad days.

I can’t wait to see how things are in couple more months. I have not felt this good in 20 years despite of still having over 100 lbs (45 kg) to lose. I am never hungry and the food is really really good. It is too early for photos…

Thank you so much for all your hard work sharing about the LCHF lifestyle. It is saving lives.



Congratulations to the success this far, and best of luck on your and your husband’s continued journey!

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