“Now, here I am eights months later and 63 pounds lighter”

Keep reading if you want to know how Ashley lost 63 lbs (29 kg) and reversed her type 2 diabetes in only eight months!
I started a LCHF diet after visiting Diet Doctor’s website. I began in May 2016 right after Mother’s Day. My starting weight was 240 lbs (109 kg)… Today I weigh in at 177 lbs (80 kg)!!!
Living a low-carb life really came easy to me. In the first 10 days I dropped 13 lbs (6 kg). I honestly thought something was going wrong! This actually was my biggest motivation to continue. I saw such quick results so I just keep doing it. I don’t do any exercise, although I have been contemplating starting.
Now, here I am eight months later and 63 lbs lighter (29 kg). I am no longer diabetic, so no more shots for me! I have been featured in my work’s monthly newsletter because of the dramatic difference. I’ve heard about a lot of people losing large amounts of weight on low-carb diets and I finally became one of them. I’ve become a “success story”… and I’m just a regular, normal, down home person.I have no dietician or exercise trainer, or any other extraordinary help. It came very easy to me to give up rice, potatoes, pasta, and bread. I eat very small amounts of those things now, like pizza, cereal and Mexican food but I don’t go to the extreme. So this is my story and if I can do it so can you – just sayin’, LOL!
What a fantastic success story Ashley! Congratulations!
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Do you want to try what Ashley has done? Sign up for our free 2-week keto low-carb challenge!
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How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
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