Nurse loses 84lbs with LCHF


Here is nurse Sofia Schiller’s story of two decades of struggling with her weight. And what happened when she, in spite of all she’d heard about the “fat cult”, dared to try LCHF:

Hi Andreas! I’ve been so inspired by all the success stories on your blog, and then this morning it struck me that perhaps someone could be inspired by my success story? I’ve lost 84lbs in 2-3 years and can for the first time in my life control my sugar addiction and have a calm and relaxed relationship with food.

Looking back, I realise I don’t think I’ve ever had a healthy relationship with food – and when I say food, I mean sugar. For as long as I can remember, I’ve eaten sugary foods in secrecy and been utterly insatiable. Satiety can always be counteracted with more sugar. When I eat sugar, there’s no limit. A single cookie turns into two packages in the blink of an eye, and devouring two pounds of candy isn’t even a challenge. It’s still like that for me!

Of course, such eating habits led to me always being slightly overweight, and I continued to be that way into my teens. I was shy, insecure, never dated and was simply quite miserable. When I was 20 years old (2001), I managed (to the relief of my family) to lose 50lbs with Weight Watchers. Everything was fine and dandy, until I quit the program. I had used discipline to lose 50lbs, but learned nothing about why I gained them in the first place… And of course, the pounds packed right back on. With a vengeance! In 2010, when I was 29, I weighed 242lbs! During that year I tried any and all imaginable diets: the stewardess diet, the vegetable soup one, the diet shakes and the fruit diets. After that year I had lost around 11lbs, with a lot of yo-yoing.

This is when the idea of LCHF appeared in the back of my mind. I’m a trained nurse, and had for a long time scoffed at the obviously life-threatening diet advice spread by this fat cult, but the reality was that I was out of options. I had nothing left to try. So, in some kind of final act of defiance (and to try and prove to the fat freaks that this couldn’t possibly work!), on January 11th, 2011, I embarked on a journey that would change my life.

My path hasn’t been straight and narrow. I’ve had relapses, I’ve done the bit where you almost reach your goal weight and then convince yourself you can go back to eating a “normal”, carb-based diet, just to find myself in the same old struggle between discipline and sugar cravings. It can’t be done. I’ve finally realised that I’ll always have a disturbed relationship with sugar, and that LCHF is my ultimate weapon in that fight. I can still get the urge to stuff my face with a massive amount of candy, but I never get the physical cravings any more. And it’s such a relief! Thank you, Andreas and all you other “freaks” out there for the inspiration you’ve been and still are!

Best regards,
Sofia Schiller, Malmö, South Sweden.

Congratulations Sofia!


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