Keto Fathead pizza

Keto Fathead pizza

Mouthwatering. So satisfying. All your favorite pizza flavors, layered on top of a crunchy, cheesy, keto crust. Best pizza ever?

Keto Fathead pizza

Mouthwatering. So satisfying. All your favorite pizza flavors, layered on top of a crunchy, cheesy, keto crust. Best pizza ever?
4 servingservings


  • 1½ cups (6 oz.) 350 ml (170 g) mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 2 tbsp 2 tbsp cream cheese
  • ¾ cup (3 oz.) 180 ml (85 g) almond flour
  • 1 tsp 1 tsp white wine vinegar
  • 1 1 eggeggs
  • ½ tsp ½ tsp salt
  • olive oil, to grease your hands
  • 8 oz. 230 g fresh Italian sausage
  • 1 tbsp 1 tbsp butter
  • ½ cup 120 ml unsweetened tomato sauce
  • ½ tsp ½ tsp dried oregano
  • 1½ cups (6 oz.) 350 ml (170 g) mozzarella cheese, shredded
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Instructions are for 4 servings. Please modify as needed.

  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
  2. Heat mozzarella and cream cheese in a non-stick pan over medium heat or in a bowl in the microwave oven. Stir until they melt together. Add the other ingredients and mix well. Tip: use a hand mixer with dough hooks.
  3. Moisten your hands with olive oil and flatten the dough on parchment paper, making a circle about 8" (20 cm) in diameter. You can also use a rolling pin to flatten the dough between two sheets of parchment paper.
  4. Remove the top parchment sheet (if used). Prick the crust with a fork (all over) and bake in the oven for 10–15 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the oven.
  5. While the crust is baking, sautée the ground sausage meat in olive oil or butter.
  6. Spread a thin layer of tomato sauce on the crust. Top the pizza with meat and plenty of cheese. Bake for 10–15 minutes or until the cheese has melted.
  7. Sprinkle with oregano and enjoy!


The nutritional information is based on 4 servings per pizza.

The recipe has been updated after the video was made, that's why the carb count is different from the recipe that is correct.

Even if you usually wouldn't eat a pizza with a salad it adds a pleasant freshness and vitamins to the meal.

Recommended special equipment

Hand mixer with dough hooks and a rolling pin.

The best keto pizza toppings

Here we've used sausage meat like in the original recipe, but feel free to put whatever you like on it. Instead of sausage, you can use pepperoni, salami, or cooked bacon. If you have any chicken, pork, or beef leftovers in the fridge, they usually make great pizza toppings.

If you don't want meat and can eat a bit higher carb, we suggest peppers, olives, artichokes or fresh tomatoes and herbs. You can also add different kinds of cheese on tops such as feta cheese, blue cheese, or even brie.

Storing Fathead Pizza

Make extra crusts and store them for 2-3 days in the fridge or in the freezer for up to 2 months. The pizza reheats great in the microwave so if you get leftovers, and you probably will cause this is very rich, enjoy them in the next day's lunch box.

Tips for using keto pizza crusts!

This dough is so versatile! Use it as a pizza crust like in this recipe or make it into a lovely homemade garlic focaccia – simply drench with garlic butter and bake for another minute or two. Or how about serving some keto bread twists as a snack or appetizer at your next dinner party?

What is keto Fathead dough?

Tom Naughton posted the original recipe in 2013 and it's gone viral since. The name comes from the blog Tom Naughton started while making the movie Fat Head, a comedy-documentary about food and health. Haven't seen it? Watch the trailer and the full movie here

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  1. Diane
    This is the best pizza lovers pizza. Been eating it once a week for the past 18 months, it's that good! Here are some tips which make it a bit easier for me to make. Low moisture mozz is best ( I tried using fresh mozz and it came out a soggy droopy mess, although it still tasted good). I toss the grated mozz & cream cheese into the top of a double boiler on med-high to melt the cheese. When it's done, pull it off the burner, quickly add the almond flour & the egg mixture on top of that. Blend it up with a hand mixer. Use a rubber spatula to scrape the 'dough' onto a piece of parchment. Take a second piece of parchment, spray it with cooking spray/oil and put it on top of the 'dough'. Roll out the dough and gently peel the top parchment paper off ~ it won't stick if you sprayed with oil. Then follow the recipe from there. I'm also not a fan of tomato sauce so I cut up some cherry tomatoes and used those instead. Absolutely fabulous!
  2. Debs V
    I couldn’t get almond flour and used coconut flour instead. The dough was VERY dry and crumbly and wouldn’t stick together at all , so I ended up adding water to even make it into a dough. It ended up being slightly sweet (because of the coconut flour ??) and a bit like crumbly sweet bread. Tasty enough but I have to say I was disappointed not in anyway a substitute for carb based pizza 🍕
    Replies: #353, #367, #373
  3. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    I couldn’t get almond flour and used coconut flour instead. The dough was VERY dry and crumbly and wouldn’t stick together at all , so I ended up adding water to even make it into a dough. It ended up being slightly sweet (because of the coconut flour ??) and a bit like crumbly sweet bread. Tasty enough but I have to say I was disappointed not in anyway a substitute for carb based pizza 🍕

    I recommend trying the recipe as written.

  4. Joy
    Hi bit confused here, down under, is it 6gm total carbs for the whole pizza or per slice
    Reply: #355
  5. Britta Patterson

    Hi bit confused here, down under, is it 6gm total carbs for the whole pizza or per slice

    Hi Joy, the original recipe is for 4 servings. So if you make the pizza with the ingredients for 4 servings, you can cut the pizza into 4 and have 1 slice at 6g of net carbs. If you choose to track total carbs, this number is located under the net carb count. Hope this helps!

  6. Dan
    I have been doing this pizza for a while. I have a few tips that you guys may want to try out.
    - Instead of regular cream cheese, try using Boursin cheese. This is similar to cream cheese but has a variety of different flavors depending on what you prefer. My go to is the Garlic and fine herb. You can substitute 1:1 with regular cream cheese.
    - Always found that regular tomato sauce was high in carbs and pretty bland. I have been using Frank's hot sauce as my pizza sauce. This will add real nice kick to your pizza and you can use the extra carbs on your toppings:-)


  7. Briar
    This one has been on my to do list for a long time but I didn't have high hopes for it being successful so I kept putting it off.
    But made this for the first time last night while the family had regular homemade pizza bases. I put pizza sauce base, pepperoni and cheese with a little bit of fresh thyme on top. I did eat it all - bar one slice a let my husband try guess I have to double the cards - buuuuut still got to be better for me :)
    It was super delicious - quite salty so may use a little less next time. It was pretty quick to whip up so will be definitely trying it again :)
  8. Monika
    I used mascarpone instead as I bought it to use as topping too (it’s delicious dolloped on top and melted, adds another level and texture to this pizza). It worked a treat so mascarpone works fine!
  9. Karen Varbalow
    I've been making fathead pizza for four years now, but you incorrectly credit it to Franziska Spritzler. It came from the 2009 documentary movie Fat Head, which was written and directed by comedian Tom Naughton in response to the movie Super Size Me. In his typical comic style, Naughton says the recipe was concocted by his oldest brother's oldest son. His name is never mentioned, but there is no doubt that THIS is the first time anyone ever made Fathead Pizza.
    Reply: #360
  10. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    I've been making fathead pizza for four years now, but you incorrectly credit it to Franziska Spritzler. It came from the 2009 documentary movie Fat Head, which was written and directed by comedian Tom Naughton in response to the movie Super Size Me. In his typical comic style, Naughton says the recipe was concocted by his oldest brother's oldest son. His name is never mentioned, but there is no doubt that THIS is the first time anyone ever made Fathead Pizza.

    Franziska conducted the nutritional review on this recipe, she is not credited as the author. We give credit to Tom in the notes about the recipe and link to his original recipe. This specific recipe with the crust, sauce and toppings, was developed by Anne Aobadia for Diet Doctor.

  11. Sapir
    I'm allergic to almonds
    Is there any substitute?
    Reply: #362
  12. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    I'm allergic to almonds
    Is there any substitute?

    You may be able to use hazelnut flour or sesame seed flour.

    Reply: #368
  13. Ines
    This is a winner, my non keto children love it. Next time I will make it as a personal size pizza. I like the idea to par-cook and keep it in freezer. 🍕🍕🍕
    Reply: #364
  14. Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    This is a winner, my non keto children love it. Next time I will make it as a personal size pizza. I like the idea to par-cook and keep it in freezer. 🍕🍕🍕

    Awesome! So glad you all love it!

  15. Chris
    I use the same recipe for breadsticks and lasagna noodles. Delicious!
  16. Millie
    Love the idea for using as the pasta layer in lasagne I will be trying this out .
  17. Phil Lodge
    Coconut flour needs a heap more moisture than almond flour! I guess if you're going to use coconut, add some moisture another way or it'll be so dry you'll want to cry.
  18. Godwin
    You can use 1/4 cup coconut flour instead. Also use 2 eggs instead of 1.
  19. Peanut18
    Clarification question...are you cooking it on the parchment paper? Or sliding it onto a baking sheet first? Thanks!
    Reply: #370
  20. Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    Clarification question...are you cooking it on the parchment paper? Or sliding it onto a baking sheet first? Thanks!

    We are baking it on the parchment paper, which is on a baking sheet.

  21. Jimney Christmas
    I subbed powdered sugar for the almond flour and corn oil for the eggs. It was disgusting and I gained 4 pounds. What gives?
    Reply: #372
  22. Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    I subbed powdered sugar for the almond flour and corn oil for the eggs. It was disgusting and I gained 4 pounds. What gives?

    We would not recommend using sugar or corn oil. It's best to follow the recipe as written. We also have a variety of other pizza recipes if you'd like to try something different!

  23. Holly W
    You will find different flours have different absorption rates, this is why your pizza was dry. Coconut flour is not the same, nor comparable to almond flour. Try ordering almond flour and give it another shot. It really is delicious :)
    Reply: #378
  24. Roxy
    Can I use shredded tasty cheese instead of mozzarella ?
    Reply: #375
  25. Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    Can I use shredded tasty cheese instead of mozzarella ?

    Hi, Roxy! I'm not sure which type of cheese you're referring to, but you can certainly use the cheese of your choice if you don't like mozzarella. However, a soft cheese is going to work best for the crust.

    Reply: #376
  26. Roxy
    Sorry Kerry, it's an Australian version of cheddar. It does release a lot of oil in the cooking process so may be best to stick to mozzarella. Thank you :)
  27. Claudia
    Can i freeze the pizza crust?
    Reply: #379
  28. Claudia
    You can use sesameflour..... I don't Like the taste of almond flour and i use Always sesame flour it works very Well.
  29. Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    Can i freeze the pizza crust?

    Hi, Claudia! Yes, the crusts can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months.

  30. Mary
    OMG, just made this. New to Keto and was a little worried I would miss pizza and things like that, but this is so good that I know I'll be fine with subbing it for pizza and using the crust for other things as well. Thank you for sharing!!
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