Could you participate in an ongoing type 2 diabetes study?

Are you a type 2 diabetic who has lowered your HbA1c?
I met Victor Villalobos at this year’s Low Carb Breckenridge conference. He’s a researcher and PhD student from the University of California, Berkeley, and he is looking for people with type 2 diabetes who have been able to bring their blood glucose to normal ranges. Victor himself has been able to lower his HbA1c to normal levels using a low-carb diet, so the study is very important to him personally as well as professionally.
The study is called the Diabetes Remission Project and its objective is to find a way to reverse type 2 diabetes or cause it to go into remission. Scientific studies suggest that diabetics going into remission is a pretty rare event, but Victor knows about the low-carb way of life and suspects that quite a few of our users here at Diet Doctor might have been able to push their diabetes into remission through diet. That’s why he asked us to help out with a post on our site, to help him find participants for this important study.
Victor is looking for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus who have been able to keep their HbA1c below 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) for at least one year. This is the level defined by some researchers as diabetes remission.
The study procedures involve an interview by phone or by internet, and the use of an app to track your lifestyle for a while (optional). Being an academic project, all the information you provide is kept under strict standards of confidentiality.
Here is a message from researcher Victor Villalobos:
I cannot stress enough the importance of your participation in this study. Like you, I have reached an HbA1c of less than 6.5. But there are thousands, millions of people who wish to do the same. Let’s help them out.
If you meet the criteria of Victor’s study and would like to contact him about participating, this is the link to follow:
The Diabetes Remission Project: Contact form for potential participants
More information about Victor Villalobos
Victor Villalobos is a specialist in lifestyle medicine. He embraces a perspective that integrates both new scientific findings and ancient wisdom. In addition to working on his PhD in type 2 diabetes remission from the University of California-Berkeley, he is also a certified yoga instructor, has a technical degree in programming, a degree in psychology and a master’s in nutrition. He is currently involved in developing an algorithm to promote remission of diabetes. The first step, the diabetes remission project, can be found at
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