“Not a pill in sight and happy”

Can you eat yourself free from the common digestive disease ulcerative colitis? Recently another reader – Bella – told her story about how she set herself free from her digestive disease.
Many people felt the story resonated with them, and one of them is Hanna. Here’s her story about how she went from “fat, pill-popping and not enjoying life” – picture to the left – to leaner, healthier and happier. Just like Bella:
The Email
Hi Andreas!
I read your post about Bella and her story about ulcerative colitis. I have a similar condition.
I too have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I was about 8-9 years old when they realized that I had the chronic bowel disease ulcerative colitis. By that time I had lived with a problematic digestion and gone in for exams for the major part of my life. From the age of 9, I was on medication at least 3 times per day. Among others Asacol and Pentasa. The dose was increased during relapses, and went back to 3 times per day when I felt “good”.
I had to stay home quite a lot from school, and later work, because of my digestive problems. I simply couldn’t trust that I would manage an entire day. If we went somewhere I had to know where to find the closest restroom. I never knew what my digestive system would decide to do. Food was a constant problem, and most foods made me sick. If things were stressful I got sick, being together with people – sick, being alone – sick etc.
Two years ago I went to a dietitian in the town where I lived at the time. As a student my weight escalated and my digestive system went crazy each and every day. I was in a downward spiral – the only thing I wanted made me sick. He recommended low-fat products and some more exercise. I almost threw up on him. I wanted to know what to eat to feel good, and I already knew I had to lose weight. During this year I also had two cysts on my ovaries removed – both the size of tennis balls… During the second surgery I received blood-thinning medication a couple of times per hour. I still hadn’t lost weight, despite following the dietitians advice.
It was at that time I felt I had had enough. I started an LCHF diet in January 2013. Today’s date is May 9th, 2014, and I have lost 60 lbs/27 kg. But that’s not all. I haven’t taken a single tablet of my medications since February 2013! My relapses during this past year can be counted on the fingers of one hand. I feel great.
I’m enclosing two pictures:
Outdoors – fat, pill-popping and not enjoying life
Indoors – 60 lbs/27 kg lighter, not a pill in sight and happyThank you LCHF for letting me live my life to the fullest!
And thank you for your website and blog. It has been a great tool during this journey!
Congratulations, Hanna!
Let’s hope that more health care professionals open their eyes for the possibility of a diet change. Medications and surgery aren’t everything. They have their place, but with chronic diseases like UC they don’t remove the underlying cause. They’re only suppressing the symptoms.
As I said before, there is no certain scientific proof that a dietary change may alleviate symptoms of ulcerative colitis. There aren’t any good studies. But the stories from people who have succeeded are increasing in numbers.
Unfortunately, almost all scientific studies on drug treatment of similar conditions are still funded by pharmaceutical companies. Their nightmare is that patients start to eat themselves well and no longer need medication with expensive pills every day for the rest of their lives. Pharmaceutical companies will never pay for studies, from which they only have a lot to lose.
What about government funded studies? Well, hopefully there will be more of them when more people open their eyes to the possibilities.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the pharmaceutical industry made less money in the future? This is what will happen if more people eat themselves well on their own. Like Bella and Hanna did.
More health and weight stories
Bella’s story: “LCHF Has Set Me Free”
New Study: Is Today’s Wheat Bad for You?
LCHF and Common Digestive Issues (“IBS”)
“LCHF Challenging Health Care’s Poor Dietary Guidelines”
Share your story
Do you have a success story you want to share? Send your information, plus before and after photos, to success@dietdoctor.com. It would also be greatly appreciated if you shared what you eat in a typical day, whether you fast etc. More information:
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