Keto Cajun crab casserole

Keto Cajun crab casserole

A tasty and quick-to-make keto casserole with crab meat and delicious seasonings. The melt-in-your-mouth seafood in a cheesy-creamy combo makes for an excellent keto meal!

Keto Cajun crab casserole

A tasty and quick-to-make keto casserole with crab meat and delicious seasonings. The melt-in-your-mouth seafood in a cheesy-creamy combo makes for an excellent keto meal!
4 servingservings


  • 2 tbsp 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 (4 oz.) 1 (110 g) yellow onion, finely choppedyellow onions, finely chopped
  • 5 oz. (1½ cups) 140 g (325 ml) celery stalk, finely choppedcelery stalks, finely chopped (optional)
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 cup 240 ml mayonnaise
  • 4 4 egg, lightly beateneggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 lb 450 g canned crab meat, unsweetened, drained (see tip)
  • 1½ cups (6 oz.) 350 ml (170 g) shredded, white cheddar cheese
  • 2 tsp 2 tsp paprika powder
  • ¼ tsp ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
For serving
  • 3 oz. (1½ cups) 85 g (350 ml) leafy greens
  • 2 tbsp 2 tbsp olive oil
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Instructions are for 4 servings. Please modify as needed.

  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a 9x12" baking dish.
  2. Fry chopped onion and celery in butter until translucent. Salt and pepper to taste.
  3. In a separate bowl, add mayonnaise, eggs, crab meat, seasonings, and ⅔ of the shredded cheese. Add the fried onion and celery. Stir to combine and season to taste.
  4. Add the mixture to the baking dish. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top and bake for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.
  5. Serve with salad and olive oil.


This casserole is easy to vary, by substituting the crab meat for canned tuna, or other cooked fish like mackerel or shrimp. If you would like to make this dish even more gourmet, feel free to use parmesan cheese or gruyère for some extra wonderful layers of flavor. You may like spinach, olives, sundried tomatoes - feel free to express your inner foodieness.

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  1. Tracy
    This is actually one of my favorites. The only thing I changed was more celery and onion. I made for my family and everyone loved it!
  2. Star
    This recipe was so good! I loved it.
  3. Cassieoz
    I know I've said this before but canned crab is certainly NOT a budget ingredient here. I could buy almost 2kg of ground beef or 1.5kg of chicken thigh fillet for the same cost as this much canned crab
    Reply: #8
  4. 2 comments removed
  5. Marsha
    I’d like to make a suggestion that you put in the recipe the size of baking dish to use. As for the price of the crab, yes it is pricey but we were able to buy canned crab for 15.00 which is what the recipe called for and while that is pricey split into the 4 servings, it can put to 3.75/serving. Since we do t eat this every night, it was a nice treat and very tasty. Thanks Marsha
  6. 1 comment removed
  7. Cheryl
    In the tips, it says you can easily replace with canned tuna or other fish.
  8. Lori Anne
    This looks great. I'm going to try it this weekend, but with vegan cheese. I'm doing keto as an limited egg+fish (mostly) vegetarian, and so far I'm finding that it's easy to substitute vegan cheeses in recipes. Throwing this out there for others who may not be able to do dairy. If you could note non-dairy cheese substitutions, it would be really helpful!
  9. Courtney
    Has anyone tried forming these into patties instead of the casserole dish? Was thinking of trying it that way instead...
  10. Jane
    Had this today for lunch and it's very good! I used canned crab meat and it was just fine. In fact, I think next time I'll add a can of shrimp, too. It "shred-y" like the crabmeat and, I think, would add even more seafood flavor. I added about 1/4 of a red bell pepper and I'd add a bit of lemon juice to brighten the flavor. Mmmmm.
  11. Donna
    I leave out the onion and celery just because I don't love the texture. Instead, I add fresh spinach which adds colour and greens to the meal. I also use a combination of cheddar cheese, cheddar with habenero and monteray jack with jalepeno. Works perfectly with the "cajun." Often serve with one of Diet Doctor's brussel sprout dishes. Great combinations.
    Reply: #13
  12. Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    I leave out the onion and celery just because I don't love the texture. Instead, I add fresh spinach which adds colour and greens to the meal. I also use a combination of cheddar cheese, cheddar with habenero and monteray jack with jalepeno. Works perfectly with the "cajun." Often serve with one of Diet Doctor's brussel sprout dishes. Great combinations.

    Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Ben Riffey
    I didn't have enough shredded cheddar, so I mixed 8 oz cheddar, 4 oz cream cheese. Cream cheese and crab is always a winner, was awesome and the texture was great!
    Reply: #15
  14. Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    I didn't have enough shredded cheddar, so I mixed 8 oz cheddar, 4 oz cream cheese. Cream cheese and crab is always a winner, was awesome and the texture was great!

    Sounds delicious! Glad you enjoyed it!

  15. Prashanthy
    Can I use flaked crab meat that comes in an air tight bag instead of the canned?
    Reply: #17
  16. Crystal Pullen Team Diet Doctor

    Can I use flaked crab meat that comes in an air tight bag instead of the canned?

    Yes, that should be fine.

  17. Bob Przybylski
    How much does the recipe make? I wanted to use some 10 ounce soufflé dishes for serving. What's your best guess on how many dishes will be required?
    Reply: #19
  18. Crystal Pullen Team Diet Doctor

    How much does the recipe make? I wanted to use some 10 ounce soufflé dishes for serving. What's your best guess on how many dishes will be required?

    That's a tough one without having it right in front of me. A 10 oz dish should be fine for one serving. You can always make a 1.5 or a double batch and freeze the leftovers to be safe.

  19. Bob Przybylski
  20. dwir917
    This was really good! I loved it. Easy to make and reheats well. I did add a sprinkle of extra cayenne pepper on top to make it a bit more spicy - my taste buds are getting old!
  21. Jessica
    Hi friends! I heard imitation crab meat is high in carbs- is this the same thing with canned- is it the same type of meat (or real?!). I could not find canned on this grocery run so I am a bit confused...Thanks in advance for any information
    Reply: #23
  22. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    Hi friends! I heard imitation crab meat is high in carbs- is this the same thing with canned- is it the same type of meat (or real?!). I could not find canned on this grocery run so I am a bit confused...Thanks in advance for any information

    In most cases, canned crab meat is 100% crab rather than the starchy/fish glue that is imitation crab. Different stores may have it in different locations, please ask your store's customer service desk if you need assistance locating canned 100% crab.

  23. Jessica
    Thank you so much- the frozen imitation was almost 30g in carbs!
  24. Bob Ski
    Greetings, this is a great recipe. Made a couple of changes for my dish. Used 1 lb. of sauteed shrimp one green pepper spinach and used 6 eggs instead of 4. I used the 6 oz Ramekins same cooking temp & time. It came out really really good. Each ramekin cooked thoroughly with no wiggles in the middle.
    Reply: #26
  25. Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    Greetings, this is a great recipe. Made a couple of changes for my dish. Used 1 lb. of sauteed shrimp one green pepper spinach and used 6 eggs instead of 4. I used the 6 oz Ramekins same cooking temp & time. It came out really really good. Each ramekin cooked thoroughly with no wiggles in the middle.

    Sounds great, Bob!

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