Keto tuna salad with capers

Keto tuna salad with capers

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The only thing better than tuna salad is tuna salad with capers! The leeks and chili pepper add a crisp, zippy touch that's an unexpected treat. Try this yummy take on a classic and you’ll be hooked!

Keto tuna salad with capers

25 Ratings
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The only thing better than tuna salad is tuna salad with capers! The leeks and chili pepper add a crisp, zippy touch that's an unexpected treat. Try this yummy take on a classic and you’ll be hooked!
4 servingservings


  • 4 oz. 110 g tuna in water
  • ½ cup 120 ml mayonnaise or vegan mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsp 2 tbsp cream cheese
  • 1 tbsp 1 tbsp capers
  • ½ (1½ oz.) ½ (45 g) leek, finely choppedleeks, finely chopped
  • ½ tsp ½ tsp chili flakes
  • salt and pepper
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  1. Let the tuna drain.
  2. Mix together all ingredients, season with salt, pepper and chili flakes. You're all set!
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  1. Fanny
    Hi! My instagram @lesscarbs is always translated into english as well, and you can put the URL into Google translate and set your language wen you visiting
  2. Martin
    Yeah, that's a great LCHF pro tip: read Swedish LCHF recipe blogs with Google Translate. It works surprisingly well. It makes you read and navigate a website almost like if it was written in your native language (with some hiccups)!

    Link for

  3. Kris
    I love to make stuffed mushrooms for the family for breakfast on the weekends. They go fast as hot cakes!! I stuff them with sausage, spinach, cream cheese, garlic, onions, tomato, hot sauce, etc., sometimes different bits of leftovers from the week. It's a great recipe because they are so versital. When I mention to friends that we had stuffed mushrooms for breakfast they all say "that sounds fabulous!"
  4. Helena
    Hi, I can't find LCHF crispbreads in the there a recipe or a particular brand you recommend?
    Reply: #6
  5. Kaarin
    Fanny, nice breakfast recipe (the tuna/leek/capers)! I substituted a can of sardines for the tuna, and that was just fine. I really hate to cook, so I hope you will develop many simple "food assembly" type dishes. Delicious simplicity -- that's what I need to stay on the LCHF way of eating. Thank you in advance for your contribution to me. :)
  6. Zepp
    Mayby this will do?

    LCHF Crispbread

    And heres recepies for your others baking.

  7. cheryl
    Hi Fanny beautiful pictures and recipes sound yummy Question how much fiber do you get per day or what do you do for fiber that is low carb
    thanks cheryl
  8. Sarah
    Hi, I'm breastfeeding, no health problems and I'm eating moderate low-carb. Is it bad that I ate almost the whole recipe from the bowl instead of dividing it into 4 servings?
  9. Steph
    Can you specify the size of tuna can? There are a few sizes.....
  10. 2 comments removed
  11. Richard
    How can this be 1gr of carbs when leek consist of roughly 14gr of carbs per 100gr?!
    Reply: #16
  12. Brunella
    Hi Fanny - I found this posted in the egg-free breakfast but it has mayonnaise. Would you be able to add or suggest an alternative dressing in the recipe for people who can't eat eggs? I'm very interested to try this recipe. Thanks!
  13. Jillyann
    Mayo is eggs, why is this recipe on the egg free list?
  14. Misha
    Jillyann, I just found out about Hellman's (aka Best Foods) Vegan Mayo. It's pretty tasty and is egg free. It was on the shelf at my grocery store and was not expensive like other vegan mayos I've tried (that tasted like Miracle Whip, ick!)
  15. Misha
    One leek is approximately 9 carbs. The recipe calls for half of one and is 4 servings (1.125 per serving). The capers add maybe 1/2 a carb (.125) and the creme fraiche adds 1 carb (.25) perhaps the net total is closer to 1.5?
    Reply: #25
  16. Carol
    Am I reading the Keto tuna salad recipe correctly that a serving for 1 is 1 ounce of canned tuna? Essentially one quarter of a small 4oz (drained weight) can?
    Reply: #18
  17. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    Am I reading the Keto tuna salad recipe correctly that a serving for 1 is 1 ounce of canned tuna? Essentially one quarter of a small 4oz (drained weight) can?

    You can have more than one serving!

  18. C
    This receipe is under Low-carb and keto breakfasts without eggs. And it has eggs.
    Reply: #20
  19. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    This receipe is under Low-carb and keto breakfasts without eggs. And it has eggs.

    Here is a link to our vegan mayonnaise recipe so you can make this 100% egg free!

  20. Karen Barnhart
    Directions say you can replace the sour cream with mayonnaise but the ingredients list doesn't have sour cream, it has cream cheese.
    Does the nutrition include the eggs and crisp bread?
    Reply: #22
  21. Crystal Pullen Team Diet Doctor

    Directions say you can replace the sour cream with mayonnaise but the ingredients list doesn't have sour cream, it has cream cheese.
    Does the nutrition include the eggs and crisp bread?

    I passed your comments along to our recipe team. The egg and crisp bread are not included in the nutrition information, only the ingredients listed for the recipe are included.

  22. leslie.arbutus
    This recipe is currently listed under "egg free breakfasts" even though it clearly requires eggs.
    Reply: #24
  23. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    This recipe is currently listed under "egg free breakfasts" even though it clearly requires eggs.

    The eggs are listed as a serving suggestion. If you need egg free recipes, you can use the other serving suggestion of the crispbread.

  24. Lynne Patterson
    I get 1.8 g carb per serving with the leek. I replaced the leek with dried chives which knocked most of the carbs out of this recipe. Love it this way.
  25. hampshirebf
    This recipe looks yummy. I apologize if this has already been asked but in the picture it looks like the tuna is being served on hard boiled eggs and seedy crackers. Is that correct?
    Reply: #27
  26. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    This recipe looks yummy. I apologize if this has already been asked but in the picture it looks like the tuna is being served on hard boiled eggs and seedy crackers. Is that correct?

    The Seed Crackers will work but this specifically is the Sesame Crispbread.

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