“I was skeptical, but since I got to eat bacon and eggs I was in”

Before and after

Xavier had suspected something was wrong, but didn’t really want to find out what was going on with his body. Then, he was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic.

His doctor only offered medication – for the rest of his life – but Xavier wasn’t happy about that. He searched the internet for another way. What he found shocked him and changed his life.

Xavier’s story

For the past few years, I was afraid to go to the Doctor’s office. I was afraid that they were going to give me bad news about my health and that I would have to completely change my lifestyle.

This past January I finally decided to go see the doctor, and on January 27th, I was diagnosed as a type two diabetic. To be honest I was not surprised about the news. Deep-down I had a feeling that something was wrong, but I did not want to know what it was.

Well, as you can imagine, my whole life changed after I received that diagnosis. I spent 30 minutes meeting with my doctor discussing what being a diabetic meant, but to be honest I forgot everything we discussed. As I walked out of that Doctor’s appointment, I was an emotional wreck. I was upset, mad, scared, and sad.

After a few days passed by and I started taking my medication, I knew that I did not want to continue on this path. So, I started doing some research on diabetes and how to reverse it.

After days of doing research, I stumbled upon Dietdoctor.com and started reading about how people have been able to reverse their diabetes and improve their overall health following a Low Carb High Fat Diet.

A few minutes later, I decided to take the two week challenge that was posted on the website. I have to admit that I was skeptical, but since I got to eat bacon and eggs I was in. :)

When it was time to start the challenge on February 7th, I was excited and ready for a change. I was ready to see something big happen in my life, I was ready for a transformation! I have to say, week one was really difficult, but I kept focused on my goal to reverse this disease.

As the days went by, I started noticing that my blood sugar levels were coming down day by day, and on February 16th, my prayers were answered. On that day, I stopped taking my medications and stepped into the unknown and trusting God that he would help me on this journey.

For the next few days, I was checking my blood sugars levels to see if they were getting worse or better, and to my surprise my blood sugar levels kept getting better. Months later, they are still in a very normal range. I am happy to say that eating the right food has completely changed me and my life.

I have to say that through this journey that I’m going through, I have learned a lot about myself and more importantly, I learned to question conventional advice. Unfortunately, if you read information on the American Diabetes Association’s website and talk to nutritionists, they recommend that diabetics should eat about 150 grams of carbs per day and that they should reduce amount of calories one should eat.

At the end of the day, all this does is keep you in a system where you continue to take medication and you get frustrated because things are not getting better. Unfortunately, our current healthcare system is set-up to keep people on medications that address the symptoms and not the problem.

Thanks to the advice provided by DietDoctor.com, Dr. Jason Fung, Christine Cronau, and many other great LCHF advocates, I learned how to address my problem. Food.

The reason I decided to share this post and my story is because I would love to encourage people who are type two diabetics to go out there and do research and to question conventional advice, and to find a way to naturally heal your body. One of my favorite quotes that I read through this journey says “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.

Through this journey, my body was able to use food as its medicine and now I can say even though some Doctors won’t say it, I have reversed diabetes. Through this journey not only did I reverse my diabetes, but I also lost 60 lbs. (27 kg) in three and half months and I feel great! My energy, my concentration, my confidence, and my overall satisfaction with life has increased.

If you know anyone who is a type two diabetic and they would like to learn more about what I did, I would love the opportunity to talk to them. I believe that together as a community we can overcome this disease, but to do this we have to share our knowledge and be willing to take a chance at the unknown.

My contact information is:



Congratulations on reversing your diabetes, Xavier! Well done. However, it’s a disgrace that people like you should have to search the internet for decent help with more than lifelong medication of symptoms, when a full reversal is often possible.

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How to reverse your type 2 diabetes

Low carb/LCHF for beginners

Get started on low carb – the 2-week challenge

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