“Thank you low carb for saving my life!”

Brian didn’t smoke or drink – but he did love fast food. He ended up gaining a lot of weight on his previously thin frame. The health problems started accumulating, but he couldn’t find the motivation to make a change.
Then a visit to the emergency room, and a shocking diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, made him search for an alternative way of eating. He found low carb and it ended up transforming his life.
Brian’s story
I would like the opportunity to tell my story and of course help others save their lives, such as I did with mine.
I never smoked. Never drank. Though, I ate like I had never eaten before!
No one likes being picked on, some tolerate it, some fight back and some go home and dwell in their own personal suicidal mess of depression. We are all different. Let’s remember that.
Growing up in a family whom traveled quite often, I found myself on the wrong side of the food chain when it came to “eating”. Naturally we love fried foods, greasier the better and whom can say no to chocolate!? You’re right, it’s one of the hardest things you can endure. I was quite slim most of my life, until I found the love of fast foods shortly after receiving a new set of wheels at 16. While most kids my age were out attending parties, movies, etc. Myself and my friends would of course dine out any opportunity we had. When you’re young and free, who’s to tell you can’t go to those places.
Let’s fast forward 16 years. My weight gain was up and down, but mostly up. I had tried my attempt at a well-known national diet plan, and with great success I might add, getting myself down to a slim/fit 142 lbs (64 kg). It was too easy, it melted off. When something is easy, we tend to take advantage of it. So, I did and I quickly gained back all most weight loss, plus some! After switching careers from a Special Events Coordinator to Real Estate Agent, I quickly realized the battle of the weight was going to be the death of me. Little did I know just how close I was to that fate.I had ballooned up to 300 lbs (136 kg), was unable to walk great distances (having other agents show/walk vacant land for me, as I could not physically do it). Being well known in the community, often volunteering, attending events, helping friends, family and ran a schedule like a superstar, little did I know… I was killing myself in the process. I never focused on my personal health, so when clothing didn’t fit, I just kept buying bigger clothes (because they fit and it made me felt better).
My final straw was being invited to several community events in one week and I didn’t attend one. What was wrong with me? Why did I want to eat, sleep, eat sleep, eat sleep…? I was moody, sweating buckets and of course not the nicest to my family or friends during this time. I had lost my lackluster and strive for life. Enough was enough, I was miserable and couldn’t take control of my own life, then how could I ask someone else to stop smoking, eat better, exercise more, etc. Life as a hypocrite was no fun.
That morning, at around 4 a.m. I drove myself to the emergency room with stomach pains that were no longer bearable, thinking I had appendix issues, (even though via google search, I knew I was going to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes), I still didn’t want to believe it. Upon my arrival, they admitted me with a 500+ mg/dl (27.8 mmol/L) glucose level and said “Welcome to the world of Diabetes”, words I never wanted to hear or be “known as”, was not my fate.
During my 7 days in the intensive care unit, I quickly learned my body had been shutting down, my numbers were off the charts! (see photo) and I was two days away from a stroke or heart-attack. I was alone, my family (parents and sibling) were across country working as they always had. I turned to social media for support, and of course my friends came through (and mom flew home to be with me as well).
During the first day after the dietitian came to, I had her fired from working with me. She was strictly for me to continue my regular diet (fast food and snacks) and of course turn me towards dependency on insulin. No way, why on earth would I continue the same ole routine that got me in this mess to begin with!? I stayed my stay, was released and that was it. I started to research and decided if the more carbs I ate, the more I would have to give myself injections. I couldn’t do it. I traveled often, attended 20+ concerts per year, loved community interaction. This was not going to be me.I started low carb and am happy to announce that I am off my sliding scale insulin and only take a morning slow release injection and down 65 lbs (29 kg), all my numbers are wonderful (see picture) and my family doctor is just amazed at the results, all in just three months!
Yes, I have continued weight to lose and I will get there, with hard work, time, dedication and of course… my low-carb lifestyle! I love it and will never look back. Thank you low carb for saving my life!
Living and loving life in Michigan,
An amazing story Brian – congratulations and the best of luck on your continued journey!
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How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
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