“The Diet Doctor lifestyle has been a revelation to me!”



If John is hungry between meals, he eats a snack, such as a handful of mixed nuts or raspberries with full-fat Greek yogurt.

John’s top three tips for people going keto:

  1. Think of keto as a life-long lifestyle change. If you want to lose weight with Diet Doctor, you need to change your lifestyle in order for it to work long term.
  2. If you’re hungry, eat something. People think that they have to starve to reach success, but that may in fact hinder success. If you’re hungry, eat something to take the hunger away. Otherwise, your cravings may get the better of you and cause you to completely fall off the low-carb wagon.
  3. Don’t weigh yourself every day. Weight loss isn’t a linear process, so don’t expect your weight to go down each day. John recommends only weighing yourself once per week, so that you don’t become discouraged by minor weight fluctuations.


Congrats on your success, John. We are thrilled that Diet Doctor played a role in helping you transform your health. Thanks for sharing your message and helping motivate others to do the same!
/ Dr. Bret Scher

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A keto diet for beginners

How to lose weight


Weight loss