“This lifestyle is easy to do!”

After seven years of marriage, Gladis and Sergio had slowly gained weight together and had some health issues.
When the pandemic hit, they decided they would now try to get healthier together.
They found the Diet Doctor website and soon had both lost a total of more than 120 collective pounds (56 kilos).
“We wish we had known earlier how easy it is to do,” said Gladis.
“For us, it has been a healthy transformation. We have more energy and we have recovered physically, mentally, and spiritually,” Gladis says.
Gladis and Sergio’s story has been translated from Spanish and edited.
What is your name, age, and where are you from?
We are Gladis and Sergio and we live in Colima, Mexico
When and why did you start the keto diet?
Our story began in the spring of 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic.
We’d been married seven years; together over that time we both gained a lot of weight, but we had not realized how that excess weight was damaging our health.
At the start of the pandemic, we began to read everything we could about the keto diet because we wanted to be sure that it would help us improve our health and lose weight.
Our main motivation to try the keto diet was to improve our health and to have better defenses to face the pandemic. But I also wanted to improve my reproductive health.
Did you have any health problems before keto?
We felt tired and lacked energy all the time. We could not do physical activities and we had tons of cravings.
How has your health improved?
I, Gladis, have lost 52 pounds (24 kilos). And Sergio has lost 70 pounds (32 kilos).
I am now full of energy and I feel great. Amazingly, my periods have finally become regular and I credit the diet for that.
My husband’s health improved in the very first week of the diet. His reflux and gastritis discomfort disappeared almost immediately.
Did you have any challenges? How did you tackle them?
For me, the diet was easy. For my husband, it was a bit more difficult to leave flour behind. But we have been very disciplined and committed.
What does a typical day of eating look like for you now?
Breakfast is eggs with spinach and avocado and a cup of coffee or tea.
Lunch might be chicken with a broccoli salad and mineral water
Dinner could be a chicken or beef casserole with a cheese crust, green salad, and a cup of coffee or tea.
We also take a daily vitamin, as well as potassium and magnesium supplements.
How has Diet Doctor helped your journey?
We love the recipes, such as the keto bacon and eggs plate. For special occasions, we’ll make the keto fat-head pizza.
We followed the “Weight Loss for Good” program and we always enjoy all the articles and information. We especially remember the article about how Chris Froome cut back on carbs, lost 20 pounds , and won the Tour de France.
We love cycling and that year that Chris Froome won, we had been surprised by his power and energy. When we read the article, my husband felt calmer and happier about doing the keto diet, too.
What do you wish you knew when you started?
We wish we had known that this lifestyle is actually very easy to do — and that it is very successful with scientific research supporting it. And it is not expensive to do, either.
Any final thoughts?
For anyone reading this, don’t be afraid to try the diet. Focus your efforts; read all about the benefits of the keto diet.
For us, it has been a healthy transformation. We have more energy and we have recovered physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Felicidades, Gladis and Sergio! It is great to hear that you found the diet so easy and inexpensive, and that it worked well for you both.
Thanks for sharing your story.
~Anne Mullens
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