“This was a revelation to me”

Before and after

Wow, what a transformation!

In his forties Nick found himself overweight and with all kinds of health problems. By coincidence, he stumbled upon an old friend (and doctor) who had lost a lot of weight and looked really great.

Nick was shocked when the doctor told him how he’d achieved his goals. It went against everything Nick had been told. But of course he had to try it… and now it’s Nick’s time to impress.

The blog post

This is a blog post from Nick’s blog, published with his permission:

My name is Nick and I live in Finland. I started this blog because I wanted to tell the world about Low Carbohydrate, High Fat (low-carb) living and what it has done to change my life and hopefully, at the same time, help/inspire others who wish to do the same.

By 2012 I was in my forties and severely overweight with all kinds of looming health problems such as GERD, hypertension, excessive sweating, etc, etc. In short, I was suffering from something called metabolic syndrome, although I didn’t know it at the time! Though this can not be confirmed now, I was also probably on the verge of becoming type 2 diabetic with elevated fasting blood glucose levels. I felt and looked awful!!

Then everything changed when a doctor friend of my mine came to visit us after a long absence. I immediately noticed he had lost weight and was looking much younger than his actual age. I asked him, “what have you done?”. He said, “I eat fat and virtually no carbohydrates”. This was a revelation to me! How could you eat fat, virtually no carbohydrates, look as good as he did and STILL be alive???!!

It went against everything I had been told BUT there he was, right in front of my eyes looking at least 10 yrs younger and a doctor at that. Had he completely lost it? Or perhaps I had in not believing my eyes?? I decided to read up about it and find out more..

Finally, after having read just about everything I could lay my hands on about LCHF, I felt I was ready to try it for myself. I was getting fatter and unhealthier all the time and so I figured I HAD TO DO SOMETHING! I also considered myself lucky since I also had a personal friend who not only was a living example of the fact that LCHF works, but also a qualified doctor. I felt I was in safe hands!

Hence, at the end of October 2012 I decided to start my new LCHF diet. At that point I weighed 107 kg (236 lbs), 192 cm tall with a waist of 105 cm. By June of 2013 my weight was finally “bottoming out” at 89 kg (196 lbs) with a waist measurement of 94 cm, making a total wt loss of 18 kg (40 lbs) in only 8 months!

Looking back now I would say that I did not experience any major medical problems at all during the weight loss phase, although I did very nearly give up at one point due to other reasons (see progress page). As you can see from above, I am looking much better and younger. I also feel much better/healthier and all my medical markers are excellent.

I’ve also discovered all kinds of other unexpected surprises along the way including an improvement in eyesight which means I no longer need to use glasses at all! I am able to exercise again which only adds to the quality of my life, although ALL my weight loss was achieved with NO exercise at all!

This is a warts and all blog; I will hold nothing back about what I have done/am doing to maintain a healthy LCHF lifestyle, as well as general commentary on all things related to LCHF and the current, global obesity epidemic. Some might consider my lifestyle extreme but in my opinion, I am eating simple, healthy foods the way we are designed to.

Physically I can do just about anything I want to, I am healthy and of a normal weight again when most people around me aren’t. So who exactly is extreme???

I hope you enjoy this blog and find it useful and informative. I will try to explain everything in a very simple, easy to understand manner so that you have no doubt about how and why LCHF works and why you have no need to fear FAT! Maybe it will inspire you to make the wonderful, life-changing decision to go LCHF? I do hope so. Indeed, like for me, it may even save your life!

I look forward to hearing all of your comments and feedback!




Congratulations on such amazing results Nick! Well done!

Check out Nick’s blog here: LIHF (Low Inflammation, High Fat) Living

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