Total transformation

Före och efter

Can you believe it is the same man? Here are the amazing things that happened to Ola when he started a sugar-free lifestyle:

The Email


It all started in late Fall 2014, when I befriended Åsa Holmgren (Swedish no-sugar activist) on Facebook. She’s from the same village as I am and I started reading what she’d done to change her life for the better.

At that time, I weighed more than 160 kg (353 lbs.) and felt broken as a human being, took blood pressure medications and was at risk for getting diabetes. I slept poorly and could wake up the neighbors with my snoring.

As long as I can remember, the sugar addiction har followed me. When I turned 9, I got 2 kg (5 lbs.) sugar cubes from my sister and I ate it all the very same day. I’ve been eating around 2 kg (5 lbs.) of sugar a week for 30 years and gotten up in the middle of the night to make chocolate balls – I did it during the night so that I’d have them all to myself.

It took time before I made the decision to try following Åsa’s lifestyle with a sugar and gluten-free life, it was only after reading through Bitten Jonsson‘s book “Sockerbomben – i din hjärna” (“The Sugar Bomb – In Your Brain”), which I thought was all about me. It was then that I truly realized that it was time to break up with my old life and do this for myself only – I had tried several times to lose weight in order to make others happy.

So I talked to my wife and she wanted to make this change, too. We decided on a date to begin and Feb 21, 2015, came to mark the beginning of our new life. The last few days prior to this, we ate all that stuff we wouldn’t get to eat any more.

It wasn’t always easy, since neither my wife nor I were very good at cooking, and it was a challenge for us to cook healthy and good food. The days went by and we thought that soon this tough abstinence everyone is talking about will come, but it never did. Of course, our moods went up and down and sometimes I felt as if I wasn’t quite present but it didn’t get any worse than that.

Today, I live without medications and have started exercising – jogging and biking. My self-esteem is so much better and I don’t see the limits, instead I see the possibilities to improve our lives.

Anna och Ola

Ola and Anna Pettersson

PS. I forgot to mention that I’ve lost 90 kg (198 lbs.) and my wife has lost 45 kg (100 lbs.).


Congratulations to you Ola and Anna, for improving your lives together! Fighting sugar addiction can be a tough thing.

Try it yourself

Do you want to try a low-carb diet yourself? Use these resources:


Sugar addiction

  • Sugar addiction 2: how to free yourself
    How to get started on freeing yourself from sugar addiction
    Don't act on false emotions

Full Sugar Addiction Course >


How to eat LCHF
The 5 common mistakes on LCHF

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