Is type 2 diabetes reversible?

In medical school, Dr. Peter Attia learned that type 2 diabetes was a chronic irreversible disease. But is that really true?
Virta Health, a tech company, is actually reversing the disease in patients, using a simple dietary modification (i.e. low carb) and tech-enabled coaching, and documenting their results.
Here are comments from journalists, investors and advisors:
- Dr. Peter Attia: Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible at Scale?
- Venrock: Virta Can Reverse Type 2 Diabetes for Many
- Medium: Virta Health and the Hard Right Thing
- Forbes: Can Silicon Valley Cure Diabetes With Low Carbs And High Tech?
The ending of the last article above is fantastic. The journalist acknowledges that the results are really promising with people revolutionizing their health, cutting their need for medications by a lot and generally feeling great. But how will they keep it up, asks the journalist, when donuts are delicious?
Itโs more than a little condescending. Or perhaps itโs the carb addiction speaking.
I believe hundreds of millions of people with type 2 diabetes would successfully decide to avoid a slow, medicated and painful death, when they know they have the option. Instead, they can choose a good life, with purpose.
Thereโs more to life, after all, than donuts.
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