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How do you go about helping patients reverse their type 2 diabetes with low carb as a doctor?

In this interview, Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt sits down with Dr. Sarah Hallberg to discuss this in detail. She has plenty of experience in this area, having helped patients as a clinical doctor as well as leading a study on type 2 diabetes reversal at Virta Health.

Table of contents

  0:17  Experience with reversing type 2 diabetes with low carb
  2:18  Results when patients go on low carb and how low in carbs they have to go
  5:22  What doctors need to know if they want to help their patients reverse type 2 diabetes with low carb
  7:45  How to go about reducing different medications and the risk of ketoacidosis
14:20  How to start treating patients with low carb and specific concerns
16:04  How do you follow up as a doctor?
20:33  Complications to look out for
24:00  Do you risk anything recommending low carb as a doctor?
26:11  Patientsโ€™ reactions
27:00  Does Dr. Hallberg eat low carb herself?


About the video

Recorded at the Low Carb USA in San Diego in August 2017. Published in February 2018.
Interviewer: Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt
Camera and sound: Giorgos Chloros and Simon Victor
Editing: Jonatan Victor

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Dr. Sarah Hallberg