“We are both so happy”
Pat saw her mother’s final 10 years dominated by taking pills, for diabetes and other things, before dying in a hospice.
To her horror Pat was later diagnosed with diabetes herself. Her dietitian’s high-carb diet did not help her, so she started searching the web for other options. What she found – low-carb – changed her life.
The E-mail
When my mum was dying in a hospice she was clutching her watch and acting out taking her pills. Her last 10 years had been dominated by taking pills. At one point I discovered she was taking one pill to bring her blood pressure down and another to put it up. Her diabetes pills were constantly being changed causing much distress.
To my horror, two years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes with a reading of 18 mmol/l (324 mg/dl). I was determined to get off the meds I was told to take. I went to the dietitian’s training and stuck to the carb-loaded diet. After a year of making no progress in beating the problem I decided to search the web.
Hurrah, I found Dietdoctor.com. I joined and watched all the videos and changed my way of eating to low carb high fat. That was last Christmas. I am now off meds. Off statins, metformin and omaprazel. My reading on HbA1c is 4.5. I have lost 23 kg (50 lbs) and 20+ inches (51 cm) and I am really proud of myself.My husband has been supporting me and it’s costing him a fortune in paying for my new clothes. We are both so happy.
Thank you all at dietdoctor.com you have turned my health around. I keep telling people about your site.
Congratulations Pat! We’re happy to hear that we were able to assist you, that’s our goal.
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