Woman who had ‘accepted her overweight’ loses 125 pounds on low carb


Tena had always heard people say that if she wanted to lose weight, she should give up sweets and bread. But she had given up on losing weight since long back.

However, in 2015 she was fed up with where she was and decided to do something about it. Gradually she cut out carb-rich foods and went on a low-carb diet. This is how her journey unravelled:

For the past 18 years I have been overweight. I have always been self conscious and would wear big clothes to hide my fat. I never would share my weight simply because I was embarrassed and ashamed. I just knew I did not need to keep being fat for health purposes.

I wanted to lose weight so bad but didn’t have the incentive to do it. Being out and about I would see other people slender and it was making want to be the same. I had thought about taking diet pills, weight-loss surgery, so I got to reading up on all of this and the more I read I knew this was not the route to go. Basically I just told my self that I’m gonna give up and just stay fat so I had it programmed in my head. This went on for several years.

I have always heard people say that if you will leave off your breads and sweets you will lose weight. I had put that in my mind that it wasn’t really true and just a old saying. I knew there needed to be a stopping point of overeating and a starting point to lose weight but didn’t know where to start. Me and my husband kept saying we need to lose, then we would try for a while no success then we would try again and again. Then we would say let’s just quit its to much trouble. We would even say it’s to much trouble to exercise.

In October 2015 I quit cold turkey from drinking sweet tea and sodas. Still wasn’t thinking about losing. I kept telling my husband I need to do something I’m tired of being fat. 1st week of June 2016 I made my mind up and my goal was to lose a 100 lbs (45 kg). I have not lost it fast and has been a steady pace. I cut out breads, sweets no junk foods, started eating healthy. I have to tatty changed the way I’m eating and it has made a huge difference in my life. I eat fruits, vegetables, turkey, chicken, salads, low carbs. And portion my foods. No eating after 6 PM and that has really helped.

It was hard starting out but I knew I had to have determination and the willpower and I have truly had it. I weighed in at 290 lbs (132 kg) in June 2016 and the end of December 2017 I weighed in at 165 lbs (75 kg).

To the left above is a before picture taken in June 2015, and to the right is an after picture taken in December 2017.



Congratulations to your success with low carb Tena!

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