“You have literally saved my life”

Here’s an impressive life transformation story, from Gareth Hicks:
The Email
Hej Andreas!
Thanks for such an inspirational site! I was informed by my doctor at the end of 2012 that I needed to make some significant changes to my life – as I was nearly 44 lbs (20kg) overweight – and had a very poor fasting lipid profile. This coupled with high blood pressure (routinely 160/120) and little exercise, I was classified as a 15% daily risk of heart attack – and was racing towards CVD. As someone with a history of family heart disease, I knew I needed to do something different! As of tomorrow, 19th Feb, I will have been living a Low Carb High Fat lifestyle for one year. I have lost (and easily kept off) 35 lbs (16 kg) so far – by living on real food – with lots of fats added to make it extra tasty.
I have completely removed pasta, most bread (I occasionally use unleavened bread with curry), have almost completely removed sugar – and live on a diet that is mostly curry, cauli-rice and fresh vegetables washed down with a glass of extra dry cava. I have inspired lots of people in the UK to adopt a lchf lifestyle, based on you – and your website – and am currently helping about 20 people on a one-to-one basis, as well as several others via Facebook.
I’m a follower on twitter and Facebook – as well as the original DietDoctor.com website – and have created my own interpretation based on what I have learned from you – @curryandcava, www.curryandcava.com (still being developed) and on Facebook – curryandcava.com ;) Many people in the UK are desperate for this type of information – so please keep it coming – and I will keep sharing it !! Please also feel free to have a look at the pages and feedback anything you’d like to highlight!
I have done extensive research into blood chemistry, diet and exercise as part of my reading from your site – and enclose four pictures – for you to see the difference. Sadly, it didn’t cross my mind to do a ‘before’ photo – as I honestly didn’t expect such amazing results in such a short space of time so I have added three photos from around the time I started. It took about 6 weeks for my body to switch to using fat as the primary energy source, but once it had done so, I lost 2 lbs (1 kg) every week for the next few months before plateauing at just over 168 lbs (76 kg). I now can fluctuate between 164 lbs (74 kg) – through to 170 lbs (77 kg) – over the course of a month. I feel well, energised all the time – despite normally only eating twice per day, I’m much happier – and feel much better – than any time in the last 20 years.
My overall stats to date include a notable reduction in Total Cholesterol down from 267 mg/dl (6.9 mmol/l) down to 162 mg/dl (4.2 mmol/l) – and an improvement in triglycerides from 478 mg/dl (5.4 mmol/l) down to 97 mg/dl (1.1 mmol/l)
My weight is down from 200 lbs (91 kg) to 166 lbs (75 kg).
My blood pressure down from 160/120 (for the last 5 years!) to 120/80 (consistently for the last 6 months).
My doctor was sceptical at the start – and having seen the results first hand – has asked me to send them the link. My heart attack ‘risk’ has dropped from 15% to under 3% – and I will be continuing to find ways to refine my health by adding some additional exercise.
Thank you so much; I would never had undertaken so much research – nor done so well – if it had not been for your site! You have literally saved my life – and I’m very grateful!!
Very best wishes,
Gareth Hicks
Congratulations, Gareth! Well done.
Check out Gareth Hicks’ resources here: CurryandCava.com / CurryandCava on Facebook
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